Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Rabble Roost
The rabble Roost, my wonderful once a week radio show is going to be put on hiatus for a few months or maybe longer. I am coaching lacrosse again this year and just dont have time for my regular work job, lax, and the radio show time slot. I could easily pick up another timeslot but it would all but eliminate my East Coast listeners because of the time zone difference. So just bear with me as I figure out how to go to the next step.
My plan is to do a one to two hour, once or twice a week, podcast that I would put on this blog. I dont know all the FCC regulations and if they really care if some mope got himself a blogspot name and 15 of his friends lsiten to him ramble twice a week. But who knows, it always seems the government cares more about what they shouldnt then what they should.
Until then, I will be doing some mixtapes and whatnots that I will put up, so check on back regularly and maybe I can keep turning you on to some new tunes.
Rabble Roosters unite!
Friday, January 22, 2010
A few thoughts on "Lost"
The thing that really gets me is how the whole time these gumps are trying to escape this island I am trying to escape the grips of Lost myself. I find the title Lost to be quite a perfect title, because the viewer is indeed Lost as well as the incredibly well fed deserted islanders. I mean after almost every completely obvious :twist" they throw in I say to myself, usually out loud, screw this show I am done. Then the episode ends and I click next on my netflix browser and watch the next episode. I thought the whole time too that there were only four seasons, now I found out there is a fifth and a sixth season and I am completely torn. Do I give another couple days of my life to ABC which i will never get back or do I give up and never find out if the happy go lucky islanders will ever get rescued.
If it was on Showtime, or HBO, or any of those networks it would be sooo much better because all the people are attractive and at least they could cuss and show some flesh every once in a while.
Until they make the switch to another network i may just put it on hiatus, or I might just crack another beer and see if they start eating each other. We can only hope...
Wasting away in Pabstville
It is a soundtrack for everyday occurrences, a personal John Williams but with more energy. Feeling gloomy? Crank up some energetic world beats. Feeling super stoked? Throw on that Wu-tang and proceed to fist pump until you pull a bicep.
Seriously though, how can you trust anyone who just sits around all day and night with no muzak. What is the deal with that, maybe if the Unibomber had a little more Dusty Springfield in his life then he would have become a gym teacher instead of a "terrorist" ever consider that? Oh well, at least it keeps all the shows from selling out too fast for little ol me to score tickets, well in theory anyway. I have a real hard time buying tickets on time to see the shows I want to go to. I will get super excited and plan around going to a show for weeks without ever buying tickets only to have it show up and me drowning my tears in a Pabst.
In other related areas, people seem to be reaching too far for creative and/or original band names these days. Do you really want you band to succeed? Well then you probably shouldn't name it "Condo Fucks" or "Star Fucking Hipsters" or "Fuck buttons." Just avoid curses in your band name if you want to have even a remote possibility of mainstream success. Or if that is not your thing maybe just go a more obvious route and call your band "Fucked before we started" or "Shot my career in the foot" or "Doomed from the beginning."
Of course if you really want to make your band fail you could always put out the traditional horrible band picture.
Where are these guys? Right outside the high school gym with a borrowed computer chair, jeebus at least put on some non under shirts. These guys are shooting for the stars for sure.
Oh well, I am off to go out back by the dumpster and shoot promo shots for my new band "Fuck patrol" I think we have a big appeal to a lot of markets.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Facebook woes

A dollar late and a day short

Lets kick off 2010 right people. Now get out there and cause some mayhem.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
To err is human...
Not much has changed on the landscape of Portland since my last post, which is both good and bad. My commute gets more and more taxing as the days get shorter, which is probably true for most of America. Take today for example, I am cruising to work and some mope in a minivan not paying attention just starts drifting in my direction causing me to be forced into a sewer grate (of course one of the ones facing the wrong direction to be safe.) This causes my front wheel to get stuck, throwing me over the handlebars and bending my fork. So then my wheel wouldnt spin and I had to walk my hapless bike the rest of the way to work. But that wasnt even the worst part. The driver in the van didnt even stop or even slow down to see if I was ok, he just drove away like nothing happened. Also some goof was delivering some mass produced, over processed food products to the local convenience store and saw it happen. What did this man do? He stopped his hand truck and laughed like he was at a Bill Cosby show, what a dick. I did manage to bend the fork back while at work but since this is the second time I have bent it I am unsure of the structural stability anymore and it will need to be replaced.
Anywho I do return to Baltimore in a few short weeks and it will be good to see the fam, the dogs,a nd the old crew again. I just need to find someone with a bike so I dont get the shakes while I am back east. I find that when I go places and can bike it makes my time there much more enjoyable and bearable, the bicycle has become my stress reliever. A few weeks ago at work I was having a horrible day, so I just left got on my bike for an hour and came back a new man, it was very nice to be able to do that.
OK, so I will attempt to start doing more updates and I hope everyone out there is still around for that. Tis the season.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thirsty Thursday
This was SW clay before the cycle track was installed, notice how parking is against the curb. And I cant figure out how to show the new images, double dang. Head over to BikePortland.org to see the photos.
Another new addition is this little diddy which I am still on the fence about my feelings in regards to the "zebra strips."
A couple problems arise from these guys. First, what happens when you need to pass someone in the bike lane, for instance I was riding downtown the other day and got stuck behind the soup cycle. The soup cycle is an amazing independent pedal powered Portland business, the guy who owns it makes soup in his kitchen and you subscribe to the service where he then delivers a couple quarts of delicious soup to your home or work weekly, so good. But if you need to pass someone you have to dodge the zebra strips and cut into traffic and back in to the lane. Sketchy. Also, getting in to the lane is tricky in traffic, I came from the opposite side of the road from the coffee shop and weaved through traffic and these diddies to get into the bike lane. But still it is a great step forward into "Copenhaganizing" Portland. Of course it seems that all cities are pretty similar in their ineptness at consistency. Portland has been doing all these amazing things for bikes and trying to make downtown car-free, but then they eliminate buses in fareless square. before you could ride any public transportation downtown and it was free, not you can take the MAX, streetcar, and the trolley for free but have to pay for the bus? What gives Sammy Adams, why you gotta do us like this?
In other news, I finally received my trailer from CycleTote and boy is this thing a doozy. I could literally put my roommate the Great Dane, 6 bags of groceries, and a cooler in it without any space issues. All though we did put Mick (the dog) in it last night and his legs were shaking worse than Keith Richards at a dry wedding reception. So that is a no go, besides I picture him taking off at a stop light and pulling me, my bike, and my trailer with him if he got the chance. But I am pleased with the trailer it will make grocery runs a lot easier and not to mention I am rigging an awesome stereo up to it powered by a car battery, it is going to be so great.
In more disturbing but humorous news. I have been referred to as a hipster by roughly five people last week who had no idea who I was, I guess its time to re-evaluate my clothing choices. Or I could just run with it and starting dressing like this guy.
Well maybe not...