Monday, August 17, 2009

Bear with me while I find my way.

My name is Noah and I am your typical mid twenties "young professional." I have a good job, steady paycheck, I live in a condo, I dress like an east coast prep school dropout, and I always thought this was fine, until something changed...

This is going to be a hard eye opener to convey;

I have came to the conclusion that my previous mindset was a mere ploy to surround my self with objects and utensils used to provoke thoughts and ideas about who I am to those who don't know me.

I am over this mental deprivation, for good.

This all started with my decision to live sans car and see how it affects my life, but once I started considering this revelation I realized there are other things I need to shed from my life to free my mind. As they come to fruition I will analyze, comment, and describe them fully in this fine little piece of real estate on the interweb.

Dont get me wrong, i am a happy individual. A happy individual who knows there is more out there and way more people that need to influence my life, in one way or another I will figure all of this out and give myself roughly a year to do it. Lets hope all goes well, and starting in 3 the adventure will begin.





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